Enviromental Policy

Travelife Responsible Guest Guide

Recognizing the impact that tourism generates on the availability of natural resources and climate change. We are going to work to ensure that Apartamentos HSA EL TREBOL manage waste responsibly, avoid contamination, incorporate whenever possible, energy efficient equipment and encourage guests to respect and participate in efforts to minimize the hotel's environmental impacts. Our main objectives for optimal environmental management are the following:

  • Energy saving initiatives * The implementation of systems to capture, evaluate and analyze the energy used by the hotel.
  • Ensure that all the staff are trained for the management and saving of energy.
  • Reduction of energy consumption in relation to CO2 emissions in the year.
  • Ensure that all purchased equipment are efficient in energy consumption.
  • Evaluate new equipment and projects based on the cost of life cycle energy
  • Comply with legal and all other requirements related to energy management

Water management

We are aware of the water shortages, the effect of climate change and growing water demand. Therefore, without compromising the comfort, health and safety of our guests, as well as environmental policies, we implement procedures to minimize our water consumption with water saving devices and measures.

Waste management:

Apartamentos HSA EL TREBOL has implemented a waste management system and we minimize the production of solid waste in all areas of the hotel. Also, we encourage our guests to participate in the hotel´s recycling program.

Chemical policy:

We avoid, as much as possible the use of products with dangerous chemicals, but we guarantee the safe disposal of all chemical waste. We are actively trying to minimize the use of chemical products and we aim to reduce the chemical containing products as much as possible, every year.


In order to satisfy the broader sustainability criteria including the social-economical impacts and well-being of the staff, we are working towards the certification of sustainability. This policy statement will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains correct to the activities of Apartamentos. HSA EL TREBOL and the agreements between Apartamentos. HSA EL TREBOL and its stakeholders.

Recommended actions to our guests during their stay in Apartamentos HSA THE TREBOL:

  • Respect our towel reuse program to save water, energy and chemical products.
  • Do not leave lights, electrical/electronic devices on when they are not in use/required.
  • Keep all doors and windows closed when the air conditioning is on.
  • Use the recycling containers which can be found in the "clean points" in Aptos. HSA THE TREBOL.These containers are available for paper, plastic, glass and cans.

Statement of Policy with the Community

From the Property and Management of APARTAMENTOS HSA EL TREBOL we share the commitment to ensure positive relationships between Aptos. HSA EL TREBOL, the local community and local businesses. This practice provides very positive social and economic benefits while minimizing and eliminating instances of negative impacts. Our main objectives with this Community Policy are the following:

1. Engagement

We collaborate with the local community, whenever possible to help address issues of importance to our mutual benefit. We recognize that Aptos. HSA EL TREBOL is an intrinsic element of the local community and our objective is to play an active role in the maintenance and development of local space as important members of this community.

2. Purchasing

Our Purchasing policy is to promote the production of the area and ensure that the quality of food does not affect the comfort of our guests and thus help reduce CO2 emissions in the transport of products from international destinations. We make payments to our suppliers within the terms of credit agreed between them. Whenever possible, we resort preferably to the service of local suppliers to that of multinational companies.

3. Employment

Aptos HSA EL TREBOL recognizes the importance of hiring local people as preferred employees. This increases the likelihood that the money is spent in the local community. In addition, it encourages residents to remain within the community, instead of seeking employment elsewhere. With these policies we also try to preserve our destination as a base for regular customers and future customers. Likewise and within our corporate social responsibility policy, we collaborate for the labor integration of people with disabilities, helping their employability.

4. Donations and charity

Aptos HSA EL TREBOL donates items such as furniture and clothing that are no longer suitable for use within the complex to local organizations that can benefit from them (organizations that help people without resources, organizations that help animals and the environment, community groups, etc). From Aptos. HSA EL TREBOL also carefully considers how we can help the local community to provide support in local events, etc. with donations of food and drink.



With a dedicated team, HSA El Trebol aims achieving a high quality level at services and products provided in the hotel. As part of the continuous pursuit of excellence approach, we adopt a guest oriented understanding and value any feedback gathered from them.

Aims & Objectives

This policy document is prepared to outline the quality approach of HSA El Trebol. From the first moment a guest is welcome to the departure time, we do our best to give the best service.

  • Welcoming of the guests turns into a ceremony in HSA El Trebol. Check-in procedure is kept short and efficient. Everything is prepared before the guests arrive. Only urgent information is provided verbally to save time.
  • The requests and complaints of guests are taken into consideration professionally and immediate action is taken for the best satisfaction.
  • Cleaning is extremely important both in the rooms and in general areas. Hygiene rules are obeyed strictly. Independent institutions audit the hotel to assure that we keep the standards high.
  • We make use of latest technologies to keep the technical standards as high as possible.
  • As a family friendly hotel, HSA El Trebol focuses on entertainment activities for all age groups. Separate activities are carried out for kids, teenagers and adults.
  • The quality of food and beverages is kept high in the restaurant and bars. The receipts had been prepared delicately and are followed strictly. Freshness of the food is assured through purchasing and storing procedures. Menus are kept rich enough to appeal to the tastes of all guests.
  • The staff attitude at providing the service at restaurant and bars has to be friendly, serviceminded and efficient.
  • Swimming pools are cleaned by staff everyday. Two lifeguards are on duty around the pools most of the day.
  • Landscaping is a crucial part of the quality understanding in HSA El Trebol. The plants and decorative items are taken care of gardeners.
  • All products and services are bought by considering the ergonomics, safety, durability and quality.
  • For the continuity of high quality, we keep the staff turnover at the lowest levels compared with sector benchmarks. All employees are trained on both vocational subjects and sustainability issues.
  • The guest questionnaires made by the tour operator are followed continuously. The target is to be among top 3 hotels in the same concept at the questionnaires of the tour operator, keep the Tripadvisor score above 4/5.
  • We will increase awareness on environmental issues and adopt sustainable tourism policies.
  • We will fulfil all legal responsibilities


Health and Safety Policy

The following statement of principles and intentions comprise the Occupational Health and Safety Policy of the HSA El Trebol.


The management of the company is committed to:

  • Prevention of injury and ill health of anyone at the premises of the company.
  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations and with other requirements to which the hotel subscribes.
  • Provide all the necessary resources in order to have the best implementation of this policy
  • Continual improvement in H&S management and performance 

Children Employment and Exploitation: 

  • We do not employ children under any circumstances and if any irregular action comes into our attention in terms of children general and sexual exploitation we are committed to report that activity to the relevant authorities. 


  • To minimise the accidents at the work place and improve the state of premises and the methods of work.
  • To continually identify, assess and check the health and safety risks and to implement the relevant preventive measures.
  • To set and review health and safety objectives and to implement an action plan for their evaluation.
  • The provision and maintenance of a suitable, safe working environment for all employees
  • Making available information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure the occupational health and safety of all employees
  • To communicate to our employees, customers and suppliers our policy with the intent that they are made aware of their individual health and safety obligations.
  • To undertake risk assessments to all our activities with a frequency relevant to their harm
  • To have the policy available to the interested parties
  • Τhis policy is reviewed so it is relevant and suitable to the company’s activities.





HSA El Trebol is committed to promoting the rights of children including their right to be protected from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation. The Hotel takes active measures to guarantee the full exercise of the right of children to be protected. HSA El Trebol recognizes its expectation and engagement of its employees and those who work with us as well as the clients, consider the best interests of children as the basis of their relationship with the hotel.

This Child Protection Policy reflects our commitment to safeguard children from harm, and clearly defines for all levels of the organization and for those who are in contact with us what is required in relation to the protection of childhood, and that the company does not tolerate any form of child abuse.



 Our goal is to create "safe environments for children", both internally and externally, where children are respected, protected, and active in their own protection, and where the staff is trained, reliable and competent and has all the support to fulfill their protection responsibilities.



The hotel is committed to actively safeguard children from harm and ensure that the rights to child protection are fully exercised. We take our responsibility seriously to promote practices that are safe for children and protect them from harm, abuse, abandonment and exploitation of any kind.

In addition, we will take strict measures against staff and / or company customers who abuse a child. Our decisions and actions in response to child protection concerns will be guided by the principle of "best interests of the child".


Definitions under the Child Protection Policy

  1. A child is defined as a person under 18 years of age.
  2. Child Abuse is defined as any form of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect or negligent treatment, commercial or other exploitation of a child, and includes any action that results in actual or potential harm of a boy or girl. Child abuse can be a deliberate act or it can be the consequence of the lack of actions or prevention of damages. Child abuse consists of anything that individuals, institutions or processes do or do not do, intentionally or not, that causes harm or harms their prospect of a healthy and healthy development toward adulthood.
  3. The Protection of Children, within the scope of this policy, is defined as the responsibilities, measures and activities that the hotel undertakes to safeguard children from both intentional and unintentional harm.



The Child Protection Policy applies to each of the people who work or are associated with the hotel and includes, without limitation:

  1. Staff at all levels
  2. Hotel Guests
  3. Visitors

The hotel staff, customers, and visitors must:

  1. Not abuse and / or exploit a child or act / behave in any way that puts the child at risk of harm.
  2. Report any concerns they have regarding the abuse or protection of children in accordance with the applicable procedures of the local oce. This is a mandatory requirement for the staff. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
  3. Respond to a child who has been abused or exploited in accordance with the applicable procedures of the local oce.
  4. Cooperate fully and confidentially in any investigation of concerns or accusations.
  5. Contribute to create an environment where children are respected and encouraged to talk about their concerns and rights.
  6. Always ask permission from children (or, in the case of young children, their parents or guardians) before taking pictures (e.g. photographs, videos) of them. Respect your decision to say no to the taking of the image. It must be ensured that any image taken of children is respectful (for example: children must have adequate clothing that covers their sexual organs.) Images of children in sexually suggestive poses or having any negative impact are not acceptable in their dignity or privacy). The stories and images of children should be based on the best interests of children.
  7. Be aware that if there are concerns about the behavior of staff or clients in relation to the protection of children and / or in the event of non-compliance with the Child Protection Policy, this will be investigated as part of this policy:



Either considering the reference to the corresponding authorities for the criminal investigation in accordance with the law of the country in which you work; and / or by the hotel in accordance with disciplinary procedures. This may result in disciplinary sanctions and / or dismissal of staff.

Be aware that HSA El Trebol will break any relationship with any Client or Visitor who has been proven to have committed child abuse.

We must be aware that if a legitimate concern about a suspicion of abuse is raised, the same one that was proven in the investigation was unfounded, no action will be taken against the person who reported it. However, any employee who makes false and malicious accusations will face disciplinary action.

Also, the Hotel will take all appropriate legal actions or other actions against Clients and Visitors who make false and malicious accusations of child abuse.

It is a requirement that Staff and Associates have in mind the principles of the Policy of Child Protection and be more aware of how their behavior is perceived both at work and outside of it.

If there is any suspicion of abuse, exploitation or bad behavior towards a minor, the hotel staff is obliged to notify the address for transmission directly to the corresponding authorities, in this case, local police or civil guard of Costa Teguise.




Apartamentos El Trébol | Teguise, Lanzarote | Canarian Taste

Canarian Taste

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